Points to Consider Before Choosing the Best Software Development Company

So, You– one of the key decision makers of your company, have a cool idea, a plan or a requirement for a software application, a mobile application for your business, a website, or need to automate an ineffective business process. You might have an overview of what you need, but can’t do it yourself, or you don’t know any good connections doing the job.

What would you do?

How will you choose that perfect custom software development company which can provide the best solutions among the millions of other custom software development firms out there? I am sure that you know there is a lot of difference between finding a software firm and finding the best software development company for your requirements.
The majority of the established firms out there are masters of their art providing excellent solutions and service. They are all well-experienced in creating software or applications from scratch to enterprise levels. Most of these have spent a considerable period in the industry, know the trends and are constantly striving in a market that is highly competitive and advancing day by day. So, how do you select that one provider from these many experts out there in the market? It’s indeed a very tricky job and should be done with caution. However, you will find great use of the points given below to select your right software outsourcing partner.

 Identify your Needs

How can you choose the best when you don’t know what you want? Identify your business needs properly, talk to your employees, evaluate the problems and analyze the solution. Form an outline of the solution you want to meet the objectives. Depending on the nature of your project, the requirements and reputation choose offshore or onshore providers.

 Check the Company’s Technical Skills and Expertise

Gather information about the company – the skill , knowledge of the team members and their portfolio working in the latest technologies in similar domain as yours, company’s experience handling projects in the particular niche/ domain, company’s skill in decoding your requirements into apt solution, the communication effectiveness, adherence to deadlines, and the like. Look for teams providing direct access to developers who can communicate well with you. Software houses with teams experienced in agile or hybrid agile methodologies are always better choices. Have casual getting to know each other kind of chats, but gather solid information in the course of your interaction, that clearly showcases their efficiency in previous works.

 Check their Reputation with Others

Of course, you want to partner with the best custom software development company, but would you go for a company that is not polite and nice to work with? How scalable are their solutions? Know the company’s flexibility to get on with different atmospheres by looking at their client base and client relationship history. Check the clients’ and customers’ testimonials/reviews on platforms like Clutch, GoodFirms, etc. or connect with one of their clients through social media channels to know their opinion about the company, talk to real people via online forums, discussions and other social media to know their opinion, direct or indirect experience with this company. Doing these will sometimes leave you confused with overwhelming responses from different people, nevertheless, take an average of pros and cons and decide what cons can you overlook for better pros of the company that aligns with your requirements.

The Budget

Cost is always as important as the company’s expertise. Determine whether the cost of the project falls in your budget. Unless confident on the guaranteed ROIs, you don’t want to go bankrupt buying an over expensive software that automates parts of your business. That said, you don’t have to compromise on the quality of the software for low costs either. Certain companies price their solutions for the sheer fact of overcharging to seem like a bigger and better company. Do not forget to look for hidden or additional costs in the contract, like additional fees for documents management, annual setup/ maintenance in addition to monthly support charges, in-person training, etc.

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 Size of your Software Project

Is your project small, medium, large or huge? Not all companies undertake any size of custom software development projects. Certain software development companies commit only to big fishes, providing them giant, multi-year, million dollar projects. These are usually famous brands and industry experts. Whereas many smart small to medium size companies take multi-year projects. Such companies’ growth curve over a small period of time shall showcase their competency and potential. Has the company been growing fast or diminishing in size or stagnant over this period?

 How Passionate are they to Develop the Solution

The company to which you outsource must understand your requirement in a way you understand and aspire to. Are they as passionate as you about this project? Are they completely dedicated to making a quality product or are they just doing a duty for money they take? These are evident from the way they suggest added features which can be included, future scopes for the product, or deny with an idea that is not quite useful. However, make sure they back their opinion with proper facts and reasons that convince you about their dedication and is not just to ‘make the task easy’ for them.

 What happens in the Case of Divorce?

Jon Lincoln, business development specialist at Etfile says that, “Some vendors try shady tactics by holding your data hostage (as if they own it!) or charge an exorbitant amount to sway you from leaving”. Get proper agreement on safety and security issues and how you get your data back in case you leave the vendor. Expect some charges especially if the data was encrypted, but it shouldn’t make you bankrupt in any case.

Quality of After- Sale Support and Services:

Even the most perfect solutions guarantee only 99.9999% up-time. Unfortunately, there are no 100% perfect solutions. Even though too small, there is always a fraction of the chance that things might go wrong after delivery, especially in the case of software. So make sure your vendor company provides direct access to the technical team and offer good support, maintenance, cloud-based updates and upgrades and troubleshooting services for a fair period of time after sales.

Evaluate your Software Package Now!

 Take a Test Drive

Most companies these days provide a free trial to ensure the quality of the features, benefits, and usability. Ensure that the software meets your requirements, have necessary features and functionality. During the trial, feel free to ask your vendor all the questions and doubts you may have.
Your first stepping stone to establishing your goal is choosing the right custom software development company. A fault here might lead to devastating results. So, take no chance, do thorough research and study based on the factors mentioned above. Based on our experience developing and deploying custom software for a wide range of industries and organizations of varying sizes, we believe that the Best Company is that which deliver a solution blending with your business process to the highest degree, within the stipulated cost and time and without a compromise on quality!


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    About the Author

    Tony Joseph

    Tony believes in building technology around processes, rather than building processes around technology. He specializes in custom software development, especially in analyzing processes, refining it and then building technology around it.He works with clients on a daily basis to understand and analyze their operational structure, discover (and not invent) key improvement areas and come up with technology solutions to deliver an efficient process.

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