Over My Dead Body

This used to be a euphamism…. Meaning something that should never happen. But for public school educators it is not. Waking up to the news this morning that 19 students and 2 teachers in Texas were dead at the hands of an 18 year old gunman, after 10 people were killed by an 18 year old gunman in New York, and after the news of 26 other school shootings in the last school year brought me to tears. When is enough going to be enough? We were shocked and saddened, sending thoughts and prayers after Columbine….and every year it is…

It Has Been a Hard Year

It has been a hard year.There have been many blogs started, many finished and few published. Writing is my therapy many times and when a post is born of frustration, sadness, anger…. This are for me. But this one is for everyone. It has been a hard year. Many children returned to full time learning lacking the academic stamina they had pre-pandemic. Many children returned to our classrooms and had difficulty sitting and attending to instruction, reading for a sustained duration, and self regulating. Our youngest children had their first in classroom experiences and are not able to use a…