Why blog? I had a dear old English teacher who once told me writing was therapy for my soul. For me, I am always thinking. I think instead of sleep, for me, I think; blogging is an outlet. People blog for many reasons. They may be knowledgeable on a certain subject and seek to provide information. People may blog to provide insights into politics, religion, music, movies…yet other people provide life advice and coaching. Some blogs are all about recipes or cooking. Whatever your niche is, don’t be afraid to share it with the world!

Starting a blog is actually easier than you think! After you have decided what you are going to blog about, create a name for your blog. Then it is a matter of getting your thoughts down on paper. I started blogging before I actually had a ‘blog’ account. I had notes I had written on my iPads, long winded Facebook posts, and other interesting things I had written. I used this content to get started. I also used this content to help me come up with a name…since a lot of my musings originated from work, and my adventures as a principal, mom, wife…

Choosing a blog host was the hardest part for me. After talking to a few people, and looking at a few blog sites, I decided to go with Bluehost. While there are many options for blog sites, some are free and some have subscription fees. Being the frugal person that I am, I looked into several free sites like blogger, but I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to publicize my content, and that by not paying for my site, was it really mine? I’ve heard of sites being shut down with no notice….

There were a few reasons I selected Bluehost, but the first was ease of use. Spoiler alert: I am not the tech savvy person one would expect from a school principal/21st century mom. Bluehost was easy to navigate and was easy to figure out how to get started with backgrounds, fonts and themes.

Another factor for me was Bluehost partners with WordPress which makes publishing and formatting quick and easy. While writing comes easy for me, the technical aspects of presenting writing does not, so again, I needed something user friendly.

Once you sign up, (use this link and I get some credit https://www.bluehost.com/track/fromtheprincipalsoffice/) Bluehost will help you get the rest going, step by step. So easy. If you feel like blogging is for you, Bluehost will guide you through each phase of set up, there are step by step tutorials on a wide range of topics, and many facebook groups to help you out along the way!
