As we start our third week of being home, let me just say…I’m going Crazy Not just your ordinary Crazy, but edging past stir Crazy and could possibly end up Stone Cold Crazy before this is all said and done. So, how did I end up on the Crazy Train, you ask? Well, It probably started when I was Young and Crazy and knew my calling was in a public school, and not as a student…Back before anybody told me public education was actually Crazy Town.

But here is the thing, even after ten years in the classroom, I Must Have Been Crazy because I decided to leave the classroom and go to the principal’s office. All my friends said, ‘You’re Crazy‘, but I was a Crazy Mama, and here I am…Living the dream and I am Still Crazy After all These Years

There are days in the principal’s office where I shake my head and say, People Are Crazy, and there are definitely days when I see certain kids headed my way and say to myself ‘You drive me Crazy‘ But make no mistake, I love all of my Crazy Ones…truth be told, I’d probably take them all home with me, but that would just be Insane in the Membrane.

But here we are, in a World Gone Crazy, in a situation none of us ever imagined. So…I’m working from home, and my poor children have taken to whispering ‘She Drives Me Crazy‘ when I start leaving categorized ‘to do’ lists for them each morning. But In a Crazy World Like This….we NEED to stick to a routine…right?

But here is what is So Crazy, I want my average, ordinary, principal’s life back, I wish I was Crazy Again. I wish I could tell all my kiddos and staff that I Miss You Like Crazy. All this time on my hands is making me a Basket Case and all these people who refuse to practice social distancing are keeping me on the Frayed Edge of Sanity I have faith though….this too shall pass and we will see each other again*!

When it is all said and done however, Let’s Go Crazy and Party Like it’s 1999!