From the principal’s ‘office’
Day 2….cultural learning curve is steep! After a luxurious four hour nap, day two started off with a delicious breakfast- muesli, fruit, bread, and yogurt. I am really enjoying all the fresh Whole Foods. We used our alternate plan of indoor swimming today since it was chilly and breezy and the outdoor pool would have been a whine fest if we tried that….the irony here is I missed the wine fest today at Ella Sharp….No wine, or whining (kids)for me. Yet.🤣

It was nice to greet each student and their host sibling this morning as they arrived at the pool. Morning hugs all around, and all of our children are doing good after their first night with their families. As the supervisors of the aquatic adventure, Elaine, Kathryn and I were not swimming. Upon entering the pool with the students, the first school of hard knocks lesson was ‘Do NOT wear shoes’. We quickly took our shoes off and began following our kids. We were excited to get some pictures of the students enjoying the slides and pools, and after the first two pictures, we were quickly reprimanded because pictures are also not allowed at pools. Yes, yes, I understand and appreciate that this rule is to respect the privacy of others. But dang it, when I have parents counting on seeing what their kids are doing halfway around the world, this rule shouldn’t apply to me!!! Kathryn very diplomatically talked to the pool manager who gave her permission to photograph our students only. I have a little remorse for being the rule breaker today….the kids swam, went down slides, ate, and played, and Kathryn captured it all! As we were getting ready to leave, the shift must have changed because the new pool manager reprimanded us, again, on our way out of the pool area, for wearing clothes. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, being dressed at the pool is also a big no-no. Here is the thing: my students do not need to see Mrs. Lusby in a bathing suit. Ever. Ever ever. Note to self: pack a wetsuit if I am ever in this situation again. Host families arrived mid afternoon to pick up the kids for their afternoon adventures with their families, and Kathryn and I were off to an Austrian wedding.

We came home and had a quick snack and coffee before heading to the base of the alps for a wedding. The venue was this little farm house that could have popped out from ‘The Sound of Music’. it started out with some wedding activities, including a photo booth. Those of you who know me know I love a photo booth! We took a bunch of pics- to be posted later- and had some fun. When it was time to be seated, I should have guessed something was awry when I saw beautifully decorated padded chairs for the bride and groom. I thought they must serve some Austrian traditional purpose. Well, let me just say, I now know why they needed chairs: standing in a pasture for an hour would have been almost as uncomfortable as sitting on the hard benches provided for the guests. If the wedding ceremony is going to last more than 20 minutes, please provide butt cushions with the packs of tissue you pass out for the happy tears. Just sayin.

The backdrop for the ceremony was in fact a long haired cow pasture. Like show cows? I ask….no…long haired Alps cows. Which occasionally deficate upwind from the ceremony. After the ceremony, which was really very nice, (from what I could piece together with my limited German skills) we went to. another ceremony around a fire that was burning different types of herbs. Members of the family and wedding party read their wishes and prayers for the new family and then burned the paper they were written on. Once this was done the rest of the guests were received by the bride and groom. All joking aside, it was such an honor to be included in their day of celebration, it really was beautiful and educational for me. After the receiving line, they had a traditional accordion player, which I discreetly tried to get on video. Ultimately, Claudia, my host took my phone and recorded for me while I stood next to him. Awkward, but whatever. The video will be uploaded later for your viewing pleasure. The celebratory meal was magnificent. The flavors and food combinations were amazing, like a party for the pallet. The night of merriment continued, and I came home because there is only so much merriment one can enjoy on five hours of sleep out of 72 hours.

I FaceTimed with my husbad and kids and dogs who seem to miss me…at least the husband and dog do 😂. I sure miss them.