So, like all schools in Michigan and many around the country, my school is closed until April 6th. I had until 4:00 pm today to get all of the things I needed from my office to be able to work from home for the next two weeks. The third week off being spring break, I’m not expected to actually work. I will just say this is surreal and I probably will work over spring break.#educatorlife.

On a personal level, my whole orderly, predictable, routine life is completely disrupted. No spin class…no rush out the door to get to work…no morning shenanigans with my work wife…no “Happy Monday” greetings from the door with my morning hugs from my kiddos. I did go into the office and gather the things I need to complete the list of tasks I compiled this weekend for my work ‘to do’ list. And then I went back to the office to get some more stuff. And then I made another trip to the office to get some more stuff, and…just under the wire at 3:45 I went back to the office to get the last of the things I need. Let me just say…I am NOT disorganized. I just kept thinking of things I needed to add to my ‘to do’ list.

So, as I sit down and prepare to tackle my to do list…I am smugly thinking to myself… ‘I am going to get sooooo much work done with no interruptions’. Ha. Ha. Ha. To do list 974,236- Jasper .75 ( .15 +.1+ .25+.25). Yes I started four things and finished none. Unless you count taking the permission slip for my son’s 2021 New York field trip to the district office to get notarized. This really isn’t work related….and wasn’t on my to do list….so…..

I did send out some parent notices regarding a cancellation of a field trip and work out getting refunds sorted…(not on my original ‘to do’ list). I was able to secure free access codes for some online learning opportunities for my kiddos….also not on my ‘to do’ list. I created a parent survey, and surveyed my staff on their technology needs in the event we have to do distance learning. Again, not on my original ‘to do’ list. I made a bingo game on Canva for my families. In my mind this was like a 15 minute task- also not on my to do list- that took more like two hours. And I accomplished this while getting over 7000 steps of letting the doggo in, and letting the doggo out, and in, and out, and in, and out….ALL. DAY. LONG. Don’t get me wrong, I love my doggo, but come on!

At the end of the day…she has finally exhausted herself…and is sleeping contentedly. Seriously…killing me here Penelope.

There is nothing new about not finishing tasks in the principal’s office. Something always comes up..some data that needs to be collected, or an issue needs to be sorted out, a kid or a parent needs my help or attention, a teacher has a question….again, I love my doggo…but I missed my people. I missed the hustle and vibe of the school. I missed my morning hugs. I missed my kiddos.

And then…in the back of my mind I am worried about my kiddos and my families. I am concerned about families that rely on school to provide a safe environment while parents work. I am hoping that all my kiddos are able to get to meal delivery locations so they get lunches and snacks. I am hopeful that my parents that work in the food service industry- which has also been essentially shut down- are able to make ends meet. My heart is hurting right now for the kids that rely on school as their safe and happy place. I am scrambling to make sure my families have resources for their kids to learn while we are out of school, and knowing that I am not reaching everyone…and that many can’t access the materials they need to continue their learning. I am sad for the senior class that has such a limited amount of time in these last days of their public school careers prior to adulting. I am hopeful that after spring break, we will be united with our littles and our bigs, and that this COVID19 business will be a distant memory.

Day two awaits….in the meantime…wash your hands, cover your coughs Batman style, hug your loved ones, and wash your hands again….bless you…sanitize.