From the Principal’s office…Day 8
Today was a zoo day, and we took the nordketta up the mountain to the alpenzoo. I didn’t get to walk around and check out animals because I was talking with Rosi about when the Austrians visit Jackson, and transportation issues for excursions.

When we came down from the mountain, we got the kids back to the school for pick up. As we were waiting we heard one of the students (not ours) drop a loud F bomb. This was after hearing several SH bombs at the zoo, again, not our students. One of the most challenging things abut this experience for me has been the little things that are acceptable here that would not fly at SPA. I find myself wanting to do 15 second interventions with these kids…but they are not mine, and it isn’t up to me. Several of our kiddos have made statements about it to me as well- they notice and know we expect better. Anyway, back to the F bomb. As soon as I heard it, I went over there, and all of the SPA kids knew what was coming. I approached the group and asked who was responsible for the language issue. I attempted diplomacy, not always my strong suit, in explaining that people who throw offensive words around like that are often perceived a certain way, and not positively. I wanted them to understand that adults are sometimes vulgar, but that this was not the time, place or company to demonstrate vulgarity. These are good kids, and I think they are trying to impress their American friends, but are going about it the wrong way.

After we arrived back at home, we went to visit a little lake. As I said from out visit to the pool, one of the most admirable qualities about Austrian culture is the absence of body image issues. Women do not appear to be self conscious of their mom bods the way they are in the US. It is so refreshing to see people who are so very comfortable in their bodies, tall, short, fit, flabby, thin, curvy, old and young. I was a little caught off guard with the topless ladies, and it took me a minute to realize…drawback to not wearing my glasses. I am aware that nude beaches are not uncommon in Europe, but I wasn’t expecting to sit next to it. It will make for a good story someday. And, just to insure there is no room for interpretation here, I was fully clothed.

After the pool we went to watch Laura practice for a parade she will be in next week. She and the others in the group will be marching in traditional attire for a holiday celebration. While I think this is really interesting, after I saw her clothing, I feel for her because it has been HOT here, and she will be wearing layers of wool.

We came home to dinner and good conversation. I have learned so many words and phrases and I hope I don’t forget them all. Its too bad there are no novellas in German on american TV. That would be the best way to learn.

I am one tired principal. While I am used to not sleeping well, I find that I am beyond exhausted. When i finally lay down to try to get some sleep, my mind just doesn’t shut off. Hopefully tonight is my night…fingers crossed.