Summer’s End….Unlocking the Office Doors

Don’t be deceived… office doors were never locked. Despite being off contract for the last five weeks, I have in fact been working. Emails never stop, phone calls must be returned, and yes, there’s are still meetings to attend. Plus, I have teachers who need to get in to work in their classrooms, because despite those pesky rumors that teachers have summers off… that is just a myth. They work (we work) our tails off during the summer. It’s is all the behind the scenes work that takes place in the summer that makes the magic happen when the kids…

Walking Canvas…the Tattooed Principal

As I have mentioned, when people first meet me, I often get the “YOU are the principal?!” with the eyebrows up to the hairline. Yep. I continue with the formal introduction, and proceed to take care of business like the professional that I am. It is the tattoos all over my arms and legs; Sometimes, they throw people off. And I am OK with that because once they get to see past the tattoos they realize that I know my business, I love what I do, and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure my school is…

Glamping Life!

Over the summer, my family and I adventured out into the wilderness. By wilderness, I mean a State Park campground equipped with electricity, running water and bike paths. I know…this might not be everyone’s definition of adventuring. I grew up adventuring in a VW Van, peeing in bushes, and showering under a bucket…if I was lucky. I do not want to rough it. Ever. Van Buren State Park on Lake Michigan’s Western shore is one of my favorite campgrounds. It is clean, family friendly, it has great trails and paths to the beach, there is a designated dog beach, and…

And it’s official….summer is over ….out of the mouths of babes.

So, we survived kindergarten boot camp thanks to one super patient teacher and her amazing assistants. This week is always the slap in the face, ‘end of summer is official’ week for me. Kindergarten boot camp starts on my first official day back in the building….which in essence means I have been in the building the week prior to make sure furniture has been put back in classrooms after waxing. But this is official business. It isn’t just a pop into the building to check the status of the floors during my run. It is actually get up and look…