So, we survived kindergarten boot camp thanks to one super patient teacher and her amazing assistants. This week is always the slap in the face, ‘end of summer is official’ week for me. Kindergarten boot camp starts on my first official day back in the building….which in essence means I have been in the building the week prior to make sure furniture has been put back in classrooms after waxing. But this is official business. It isn’t just a pop into the building to check the status of the floors during my run. It is actually get up and look presentable and not sweaty and take care of business at work week.

It is always a great week! The littles come in and learn how to navigate their way around the building while they have it all to themselves. They get familiar with kindergarten staff, office staff, and meet new friends. We meet new families and watching little people overcome their nerves, and gain independence is always such a blessing, like caterpillars to butterflies. And then you have that one kid. On day three he came in a little late, and this was was the conversation:

Mrs.L – I’m glad you made it today. Are you ready to give mom a hug and go find the class?

Little guy- Yes!

Mrs.L- ok, lets go! Can you lead the way? Do you remember how to get to the classroom?

Little guy- YES!!!

We walk through the double doors to the hall way, and enter the hall. He stops and looks to his left, looks to his right.

Little guy-Oh, $#!+, I can’t remember!

Mrs.L- oh, well sir, we can’t really say that at school….

Little guy- (interrupting) I can’t say I can’t remember!?!

Mrs.L- um no…the other thing you said….

Little guy- (looking puzzled) I can’t say oh?

Now how I kept a straight face I will never know, but I did, and we finished our walk to the classroom, and I did find a diplomatic way to explain that some worlds are not for kids, and not for public.

I love my job!

6 Comments on And it’s official….summer is over ….out of the mouths of babes.

  1. Sarah says:

    I literally just laughed out loud. I’m glad you had an awesome first week back!

    1. Lusbyj says:

      I have been laughing about it since yesterday!

  2. Brenda says:

    Loved reading this, I can see your expression and hear the tone in your voice! It’s just the beginning!

    1. Lusbyj says:

      Awwwww….this hits me in the feels! The year we shared a classroom was one of the best of my career! We had some laughs, and some cries and some awesome kids….I miss you!

  3. Levonne says:

    A nice little read while waiting at Walmart. I’m afraid this will be my son at school.

    1. Lusbyj says:

      Out of the mouths of babes….it’s all good! I am going to really enjoy getting to know my little friend who didn’t know he needed to censor his speech….