Another day of working at home. Don is home with me today as his company has developed an alternative schedule to accommodate the seasonal slow down as well as the COVID-19 related slow down. It was nice to not have to get up and get his breakfast made and have him out the door by 7, especially since I no longer have the 4 minute commute to the office, or a 5:30 AM spin class to go to…I got to stay in bed until 7:55…and I was still at work on time. Don even helped with breakfast today! He made bacon…outside in the garage on the grill…because I didn’t want my office to smell like bacon all day.

So, today marks seven days since we got the news that we would be closing schools. It is my 6th day of change in my routine, and I think I am finally getting in my groove. I’ve gotten some things ticked off my to do list, and come to the realization that somethings will not get ticked off my to do list because I don’t have all the resources and information I need to do them….Like the Continuous Improvement Plan…and that is OK. It will get done. Today is the first day I have not been scouring the internet for resources for kids, I put on mascara, and today I posted a bold message to my families on the school facebook page:

But here is what was exciting about today: I got a message from a former student who was in my 4th grade class close to 20 years ago. Yeah? so? Remember the facebook post that was probably viral on Monday?

Well….let me just say, I got to do a facetime math lesson today for the child of the former student. Hence why I had to put on some mascara…didn’t want to scare the poor kid! How happy is my heart right now? Over the moon! This is why I look forward to the day when I can go back to the classroom. But this makes my heart happy on other levels as well….Here is one of my former kiddos who is ROCKING the mom thing, ROCKING the adulting thing, going to college with goals to be an early child hood teacher….who said thank you for being such a huge influence on her life and choices….I’m not a crybaby, but I almost cried. This was a big win!!!

My third big win (mascara being the first) was putting on my pants that are deemed ‘least likely to fit after a week of missing spin class and sitting in my office/kitchen all week’ pants, and getting them over my butt and buttoned. AND…I am still wearing them and am not miserable and wishing I could change.

After accomplishing a good amount of work this week, I might leave the office early..and spend some quality time with my spouse, kids, and dog…who by the way should have been bugging her dad for the ins and outs today since he is home and on the couch….no such luck. Make the most of this time to count your blessings, center yourself and your family, and find the silver linings.

2 Comments on Pandemic Day 5

  1. Radi Ann Porter says:

    Stealing the letter – it is too good!

    1. Lusbyj says:

      There is no such thing as stealing in educator world 🙂