Break out the Crazy-O-Meter (Day 53 of Social Distancing, working from home…and now teaching from home…)

Its been 53 days, since I have had the pleasure of going our for a drink with my friends, been to spin class, shopped in an actual store, not worn a glove while pumping gas, or done my official kiddo greeting duties at the front door of the school. My May and early June Glamping reservations have been canceled by DNR. I also own multiple masks that I can switch out based on my outfit…although my OCD prefers one specific one. I ordered food from one of those meal delivery places because I am tired of my own cooking, and…

Staycation Day 1-3

Usually at this time of the year, educators are like, “We made it to spring break…yeah!” And well, yeah, we made it to spring break…our third week of not being in school. Vacation plans have fallen by the wayside, and we are looking for ways to keep busy in our homes. Reading- I know educators spend a lot of their vacation times reading. I think I am up to 32 books. Mostly true crime. Reading helps me to take my mind off overthinking. So, Yeah…I have been doing a lot of reading. In addition to my kindle books, I’ve been…