Wrestling Mom Life is the Best Life: words of wisdom from a wrestling mom wrapping up her wrestling mom career to the newbies.

Wrestling season is my absolute favorite sports season. Wrestling is hard….it takes strength, stamina, strategy, and skill. Wrestlers are some of the most dedicated and hardest working athletes out there and until you have lived it….you just don’t know. There is something special about wrestling that is different from other sports and that is the unity involved with the wrestlers and their families and coaches. Wrestling is a sport that takes grit, determination, hard work and sacrifice. And that is just for the athletes. Wrestling season is hard on parents too, between emotional intensity of not just matches but preparation…

Wrestling Mom Life

Wrestling season has come to an end for our immediate family. This is a bittersweet time. We are not headed into post season wrestling…this year. And it is all good. We had a great season. Wait…Who is this ‘we’ you ask… because wrestling is in many ways an individual sport, (and because I personally wasn’t on the mat). Wrestling season is my favorite season, and it isn’t just about the sports. It is about the family. On an athletic level, Wrestling is an intense sport that requires strength, stamina, and strategy. It is hard work, it is physically and emotionally…