Circling my Emotional Wagons

My Gran was a story teller. She often told me stories of when she was a child, and the stories from the ‘olden days’ that were passed down to her. She would tell me our family were pioneers who came across the country in a covered wagon, facing tough times to establish a homestead in Mogollon New Mexico Territory, which eventually became Mogollon, Arizona after statehood in 1912. Fun Fact: My great great grandmother was the first school teacher in Arizona in a one room school house in Mogollon. The stories I remember most are the ones of survival and…

The Importance of Self Care

As moms, educators or not, working out side the home moms and stay at home moms, we work hard. We are often the first ones up, and the last ones to bed. We do the work that doesn’t really count as ‘work’…meal preparation, house cleaning, laundry, organizing, yard care, child care, grocery shopping (ugh HATE grocery shopping), paying bills, running errands. If you work outside the home, you have 8 less hours in a day to do all the same tasks….and it is HARD. Some women make it look easy, some women have hired help- someone to come help with…