Teacher Appreciation is More Than Just a Week in May

Or at least it should be. When it comes to teacher appreciation, they can’t be appreciated enough. Teachers are like the red headed step child of the college educated population. Teachers, at a minimum have a 4 year Bachelor’s degree, just like many other professionals, but the earning capacity associated with that degree versus, say a BSN in nursing or business is far less. Add to that, teaching and education are publicly funded professions and the variance in pay is vast from place to place. Additionally, teachers are required to maintain certification, which must be renewed every few years.Rrenewal is…

Week 4 working from home, week 1 teaching from home…It’s going to be fine…

I survived spring break. Barely. By the end of the week, I had read 38 True crime novels on my kindle and went over my Amazon monthly book budget by about $200…because Kindle unlimited sometimes just doesn’t cut it. True crime probably wasn’t the best choice because I didn’t really need all that darkness after three weeks of social distancing, three weeks of hit and miss (mostly miss) weather, and three weeks of hit and miss (mostly miss) exercise (I NEEEEED my endorphins), and to much to overthink. Oh, and quarantine 15….yeah. That’s not a joke. See the part about…