Back to School -Pandemic Edition

You can bet that at the end of the 2020-21 school year educators across the country breathed a collective sigh of relief and said, ‘We made it’. Many educators had to relearn their craft of the delivery of instruction from face to face to virtual, societies problems were laid at the feet of the school house doors: how to feed the children, ensure their social/emotional safety, make sure they have internet, stay engaged….We also faced the brunt of the blame when parents no longer had childcare and were unable to work, when children were unengaged, or ‘falling behind’. We worked…

‘Twas the Night before Teachers report…

‘Twas the night before teachers were reporting back to school; Universal compliance with mitigation strategies was the #1 rule. Our masks and social distance stickers were firmly in place; this principal’s fingers were crossed hoping all the planning wasn’t a waste. We haven’t seen our kiddos in five long months; We hope this school year we see the kids more than once! Our football season has been cancelled we are sad to say, but looking forward to spring and hope the kids can play! New sanitizing stations have all been installed; technology distribution is ready once parents get the call….

Week 4 working from home, week 1 teaching from home…It’s going to be fine…

I survived spring break. Barely. By the end of the week, I had read 38 True crime novels on my kindle and went over my Amazon monthly book budget by about $200…because Kindle unlimited sometimes just doesn’t cut it. True crime probably wasn’t the best choice because I didn’t really need all that darkness after three weeks of social distancing, three weeks of hit and miss (mostly miss) weather, and three weeks of hit and miss (mostly miss) exercise (I NEEEEED my endorphins), and to much to overthink. Oh, and quarantine 15….yeah. That’s not a joke. See the part about…