
If you have been following me, one of the things you know is that we have been working on self regulation and teaching students to identify their feelings, and practice strategies that help support ‘being on green’ emotionally. But sometimes, kids end up in red….and can’t get back to blue or yellow, much less green. What does all this mean? See below for information. When a student is in red, they can’t focus on learning, and chances are they are disrupting their classmates from learning as well. When a student is in red, their brain isn’t problem solving rationally, they…

Room clear…

Remember before you were a parent and you would see kids acting like brats in restaurants or the movies? Remember when you said, “My kids are never going to act like that, they will know better!” And then you became a parent and your child threw a fit in the middle of the grocery store. We have all been there, because let’s face it, the normally developing child goes through a tantruming stage as part of their emotional development. Dealing with the loss of not getting what they want…even if it is the stupid cardboard cylinder from the toilet paper…