The Benefit of the Doubt…

These are crazy times we are living in my friends. We are living through a modern day plague, which many are calling unprecedented, though it is not- Spanish Flu in 1918 gives us a peek into pandemics in the US, minus social media and political fear mongering….on both sides. We are also watching another plague take over our country… tensions are escalating because racially based injustices are being allowed. I am reminded of the 1992 LA riots that took place after four white officers were acquitted in the beating and use of excessive force with Rodney King. Protests across the…

Circling my Emotional Wagons

My Gran was a story teller. She often told me stories of when she was a child, and the stories from the ‘olden days’ that were passed down to her. She would tell me our family were pioneers who came across the country in a covered wagon, facing tough times to establish a homestead in Mogollon New Mexico Territory, which eventually became Mogollon, Arizona after statehood in 1912. Fun Fact: My great great grandmother was the first school teacher in Arizona in a one room school house in Mogollon. The stories I remember most are the ones of survival and…

Three Truth’s about Mother’s Day and the Best Gifts I Receive

Mother’s day is often a day I have mixed feelings about…Kind of like Teacher appreciation week, Father’s Day…and all these other ‘one day of appreciation holidays’ that have a foundation in economics…mainly selling cards and stuff to people. For me, Moms, Dads, Teachers, Nurses… we need to just appreciate people everyday. We should make all of our interactions with people communicate their value. Definitely easier said than done, and not a topic one lone person can shift the world’s beliefs on in one blog post. Even with the best of intentions though, Mother’s Day is a hard day for many…

Break out the Crazy-O-Meter (Day 53 of Social Distancing, working from home…and now teaching from home…)

Its been 53 days, since I have had the pleasure of going our for a drink with my friends, been to spin class, shopped in an actual store, not worn a glove while pumping gas, or done my official kiddo greeting duties at the front door of the school. My May and early June Glamping reservations have been canceled by DNR. I also own multiple masks that I can switch out based on my outfit…although my OCD prefers one specific one. I ordered food from one of those meal delivery places because I am tired of my own cooking, and…